
Dafuq is Nuencias? 
It's a blog that I have to post all the funny pics I found on the internetz... 

What does it means? 
Nuencias means nothing... Just a silly name... And ''fun.nuencias.com'' is the subdomain for the English version... 

Who can post on it? 
The idea is to post just the good stuff... Quality is more important than quantity, So I don't need anyone to post but me... (-Pitru) 

 How often do you F5 this?
 I try to post everyday, come back every night to see new pics ;) 

 Where do you get the pics? 
Forums, threads, picdump, other websites, and the pics that fans send them to me via facebook...

 Dude, do you even lift? 
-No, no I don't.-

 You posted something copyrighted delete it or you'll get cyberpolice... -____-
 Just send a message to nuencias @ hotmail . com with the link, we'll investigate and we'll remove that picture if it's copyrighted.

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